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September 5, 2004

Bali Sea Salt


Every morning, Balinese salt farmers wade into the calm blue offshore waters.

They gather sea water in buckets made from the Lontar Palm, then deposit it into black sand beds where the tropical sun evaporates the water, leaving sand shards rich with salt.

Through a painstakingly slow process of leaching, the farmers remove all the sediment from the shards and collect the brine in wooden drums.

They then evaporate the brine in halved bamboo timbers, which can take three days.

The resulting fragile crystalline structures are harvested and placed into bamboo-skinned cones and allowed to drain.

After weeks of hand-panning and grading, a tiny amount of sea salt results.

I am not making this up; you can read the details here.

$16 for 5 oz. in a coconut, or be frugal and get 8.5 oz. in a box for $10.

September 5, 2004 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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