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September 5, 2004

Star38 - fake caller ID is finally here


Now, for a mere $19.55/month, you can be anyone you want on someone else's caller ID box.

Created to help debt collectors contact deadbeats, the technology promises many more uses.

The company plans to sell its capability only to collection agencies, private investigators, and police.

"It's irresponsible," says Darren Charest, president of US Tracers, which has been quietly selling similar technology for five years, but only to law enforcement agencies that don't want "police department" to show up on caller ID.

Methinks poor Darren just saw his Ferrari going back to the dealer 'cause he can't make the payments anymore now that his company's product is available for 10% of what he's been extorting from his sole-source-dependent customers.

Jason Jepson, CEO of Star38, said his company required only 65 lines of computer code and $3,000 to create its service.

He says he got the idea after speaking to his aunt, a bounty hunter, about the best ways to get in touch with people who don't to be in touch.

Website Engadget tested Star38 this past Wednesday, and was able to make calls pretending to be from Satan (666-666-6666).

September 5, 2004 at 06:01 PM | Permalink


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check out caller id spoofing from the zero group. . . much cheaper $10 for 100 mins

Posted by: Spoof Card | Sep 6, 2007 10:58:29 AM

I found a howto on Spoofing Caller ID. Very simple to do.


Posted by: john | Jan 7, 2005 10:03:50 PM



Posted by: angus | Sep 6, 2004 12:00:56 PM

Not for long...

Posted by: angus | Sep 6, 2004 11:58:58 AM

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