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October 21, 2004

BehindTheMedspeak: Exercise ball alternative for active sitting in a conservative environment


As you well know, I am a fervent advocate of "active sitting" - that is, using an exercise ball so that you and your back unconsciously make constant microadjustments, thus preventing the gradual, insidious loss of spinal disc tone and back muscle strength.


Many of you, I realize, do not sit in your pjs all day by yourself but, rather, wear power suits and shoes, sit in fancy offices at macha and macho desks, and generally play the game as it needs to be played.

Numerous times over the past few months, you've told me you'd love to sit on an exercise ball at work, but it just won't pass muster with your fellow traders, attorneys, and other high-powered officemates.


So, I'm bringing you the next best thing to the ball: the Air Wedge (pictured at the very top of this post), from the same company that makes the ball.


It costs a bit more ($29.95 v $23.95 for the ball) but it's much less obtrusive.

It's a wedge-shaped rubber object that you inflate by mouth (easily, not like a balloon) to the desired degree of firmness, then place on the seat of your chair.


The sitting surface is pebbled for air circulation and comfort.

If even this is too "odd," you can cover it with the fabric of your choice and make it completely invisible.


I've used one for years when I can't sit on my ball - I take my Air Wedge to depositions, for example - and have been very happy with it.

October 21, 2004 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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Whay do you think that "microadjustments" made while sitting on a ball will prevent disc dessication and devolution? What if it causes disc disease?

And do you believe -- or have proof -- that "disc tone" loss is a cause of back pain or disability or...?


Posted by: CodeBlueBlogMD | Oct 21, 2004 10:34:34 AM

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