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October 9, 2004

How to prevent the contents of an overstuffed sub from spilling out


Remove some of the crumb [that's the culinary "term of art" for the actual bread, as opposed to the crust] from both the top and bottom halves of the bread.

"This creates a trough for the fillings and helps stabilize the sandwich."

From Cook's Illustrated, the only place you can trust when it comes to evaluating things kitchen-related.

Why is that?

Because alone among food-related magazines, it accepts no advertising.

So they never, ever have to trim and fudge to keep their advertisers happy.

My favorites are their exhaustive, detailed product comparisons, in which a $3.99 bottle of spaghetti sauce may well be rated "Best, Highly Recommended," while some fancy-shmancy import costing four times as much is rated "Poor, Not Recommended."

October 9, 2004 at 06:01 AM | Permalink


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I loved Starvin Marvin's subs as a kid if we were good (which was not often enough) we go treated to a sub from there. IT WAS THE BEST

Posted by: Tonni Cee | Mar 2, 2008 6:42:30 PM

Back in 78, I used to go to this sub shop in Alexandria called Starvin' Marvin's (actually it was in Lincolnia off Beauregard and Duke), and that's how they made their subs: pull out all the inside bread then stuff the thing with chopped up fried steak and mushrooms and onions and cheese, yum yum.

Posted by: tom | Oct 9, 2004 8:55:46 PM

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