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December 2, 2004
Crystalmini - What would Lindsay Lohan do?
Well, duh - she'd obviously buy one if she hasn't already been given one to go with her phone (below).
From Crystalmini.com comes this pimped-out iPod mini paved with 1,000 Swarovski crystals in aquamarine aurora boréale (top).
Like it says, "One Crystal Per Song."
At $999 for the one shown just above (pink with light rose), about a buck per song (the mini's 4 GB = about 1,000 songs) is what it'll set you back.
But think of the smile on her face....
OK, so you're not up for throwing down a thousand bucks, but you still like the concept.
Well aren't you in luck,
'cause they offer your choice of 10 solid colors
for a mere $699.
If you're still not quite down with this, there's always the original, a relative steal at $249.
December 2, 2004 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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