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December 2, 2004
World's cheapest key-chain LED light
No, not a misprint.
When they came out in 1995, they cost $20 apiece.
The company that initially sold them to the public still charges $20 for one.
If you spend a little time noodling around online you can find them for as little as $8.40.
This site sells 'em in bulk, 20 for $20.
Your choice of white, blue, or red.
Sliding on/off switch so you don't have to squeeze till your fingers go numb.
For $20 you could solve a lot of Xmas gift problems with one fell swoop.
[via the redoubtable, soon to be STABILiced MP]
December 2, 2004 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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Amazing! theyv'e been selling them on the israeli air-lines international flights' Onboard duty free for $17 a piece for years, i bought the last one 3 months ago when i went on vacation (from Israel, where i am currently living) to Crete, as a gift for a friend....i could have paid $3 more and hand out another 19 pieces to helping-hands at the non-profit org. i run....what a pity!
Posted by: Sharon | Dec 2, 2004 1:42:54 PM
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