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January 7, 2005
A visitation from the future?
Remember how back in the 90s, they used to say string theory was 21st century physics that accidentally showed up early?
For a moment, I thought I'd opened the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog for the year 2231.
'Cause darned if the thing in the picture doesn't look like it could be providing life support for human corpsicles lying in state during a centuries-long interstellar journey.
But the description's nothing like that at all; rather, it's an automatic plant-watering system ($99.95), designed to water up to 20 plants for up to 40 days while you're away.
I guarantee that if you try this at home, when you return you'll wish you'd had flood insurance.
Note: flood insurance covers acts of God, not your own stupidity.
So unless you're able to put on a very convincing demonstration, you're gonna be paying the Servicemaster tab yourself.
What I don't understand is how the thing works for a year without electricity, on one measly 9-volt battery.
That's impressive.
Italian-designed, if that sort of thing is important to you.
Those Italians - will their wonders never cease?
January 7, 2005 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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