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January 13, 2005
Albert Irvin

This 82-year-old British painter creates works of astonishing brilliance, energy and color.
They explode off the canvas.
He's a Londoner who's occupied the same studio in Stepney, East London, for more than 30 years.
Every working day he makes the same journey from his home in the southwest to his studio in the east, via public transport and foot.
Up to the mid-50s, when he was in his mid-30s, he was a largely figurative painter; then he encountered the abstract painters of the New York school, and a sea change occurred.
His paintings became much bigger; he switched from oil to acrylic in the mid-1970s.
His recent show at London's Gimpel Fils Gallery, entitled "Midsummer," closed last Saturday, January 8.
No matter: as his long-time dealer, they still have plenty of his work available, in the back rooms and basement, if you're interested in looking.
After all, only six paintings were up for the show proper.
[via Michael Glover and The Financial Times]
January 13, 2005 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
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I am looking for a screen print/limited edition of a painting by Albert Irvin called 'Charlotte' painted in 2001. It is an acrylic on canvas and the original is approx 2x3m.
Posted by: Janet Dixon | Jun 12, 2006 1:13:04 PM
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