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February 27, 2005



A big bookofjoe shout-out/welcome/Hola! to this new blog/website, launched on February 9 of this year.

It's the brainchild of a group of bacon enthusiasts from various parts of the world.

I was instantly drawn to it by... what?

Yeah, of course I love bacon, who doesn't, but that wasn't the only thing that appealed to me.

I thought about it, then let it percolate in the background while I explored the blog.

Then, voila, it hit me: what makes the site so attractive to me is its use of the Apple OS X start-up window as its header (above).

They even matched the color of my default-setting desktop background.

The site itself is now 18 days old.

Good luck, baconeers.

I wonder if Kevin Bacon knows about this?

And if so, is he going to take 'em to court and stuff....

I have written about bacon previously; to sum up, the best bacon in the U.S. is the mahogany-smoked product (below)


of Meadow Farms Country Smokehouse of Bishop, California.

For reasons I won't go into because they're too boring, the company only ships within California.

Those of us who are physically unable to visit California and do not know someone who lives in California who will go to the trouble of ordering this extraordinary bacon and then redirect it to us must thus settle for second-best which is, I regret to say, a quite distant second.

And yet — second-best is considered world-class by Danial Boulud and many of his 4-star restaurant peers, who use Nueske's bacon in their establishments.


Fortunately Nueske's, from my home state of Wisconsin, has no problem shipping anywhere your little bacon-craving heart desires.

You might be able to find Nueske's at upscale markets around your own town; I think — but am not certain — that I've seen it at Whole Foods.

February 27, 2005 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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Thanks for the shout-out. I have to admit though that the look of the site is exclusively the work of the wordpress (http://wordpress.org/) default design.

It's nice and all, but it will likely change over time to something slightly more reminiscent of the goodness that is bacon.



Posted by: Tomas | Feb 27, 2005 11:54:04 AM

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