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April 26, 2005
God must have a plan for Lana Hudspeth
How else to explain how and why this 37-year–old woman survived the following series of events:
• Having her 2004 Ford Taurus run off U.S. highway 76 in Ballentine, South Carolina at 2:30 a.m. this past Sunday morning, hitting a tree
• Then plunging in her car down a 30–foot embankment and coming to rest on train tracks
• Lying there either unconscious or trapped in her car for over two hours
• Having a 93–car train traveling 47 m.p.h. strike her car at 4:45 a.m. with her still inside, pushing the vehicle 300 yards (about one-sixth of a mile) down the tracks
• Requiring extrication by emergency workers, then being airlifted to Palmetto Health Richland Hospital
As of late yesterday (Monday) morning she was said by her family to be "holding her own" in the hospital.
April 26, 2005 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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