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May 31, 2005
Northwest Airlines Pulls Free Pretzels to Cut Costs
They're rearranging the deck chairs up in the executive suites of this sorry company as you read this.
Last week Northwest, the nation's fourth–largest airline, announced it was eliminating those tasty little salty treats from coach on all flights as of next week Thursday, June 9.
The company pulled its free meals in February so this latest cost–cutting measure comes as no major surprise.
The only thing that's surprising is that they're continuing to offer free soda — for now.
Watch for that to fizzle away later this year.
The company lost $458 million in the last quarter alone, so the estimated $2 million they'll save by bagging the pretzel service would not appear to be the difference between the airline's survival or not — at least to this observer.
In case you really have the munchies Northwest will continue to offer a 3–ounce bag of trail mix for $1.
Tell you what: when — not if — the company declares bankruptcy later this year, the CEO and his minions up there where the air is fine will be eating foie gras rather than trail mix or pretzels when their golden parachutes open.
[via USA Today]
May 31, 2005 at 05:01 PM | Permalink
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