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May 7, 2005

Your very own private beach — even in Idaho


Boisians, rejoice: your beachfront property has come in.

You can now have your very own live–in diorama (above).

From the website:

    Our Palm Tree Hammock Stand creates an instant all–weather oasis.

    A rugged, solid steel substructure is outfitted with two artificial palm trees so lifelike, they're patented.

    [I didn't realize you could patent an artificial lifeform so readily; I do know that the U.S. Patent Office last year rejected a patent for the creation of a "humanzee" — a combination human being and chimpanzee.]

    The trees even sport realistic coconuts (below),


    swaying palm fronds, and matching cooling–mist mechanisms.

    The faux–grass stand cover conceals the base and adds comfort under foot.

    And the optional triple–woven, polyester hammock with teak spreaders ($125) and all–weather pillow ($39) complete the package.

50"W x 90"H x 110"L.

220 pounds.

$3,495 here.


Luau tonight!

Don Ho, call your cabana: your guitar is ready.

May 7, 2005 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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