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June 6, 2005
BehindTheMedspeak: 'When doubt is pathological'
Those four words — "When doubt is pathological" — are the best description of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) I have ever encountered.
That includes everything I've heard and read, all the learned professors and texts I have had the privilege of being exposed to in the course of my medical education and career as well as everything I've come across in the lay literature.
I encountered that description of OCD on a very interesting website today, that of a man with refractory OCD.
He is not a doctor, therapist or health professional and he tells you that right up front.
He notes that he has had the problem for over 40 years but only was diagnosed about 10 years ago.
He has undergone every treatment known to man for his OCD, with dismal results.
As such he is resigned to life with OCD.
His website and blog are reflections on what it is to live with OCD but they are related not with a sense of victimization but, rather, a sense that one must, somehow, go on.
If you have OCD or love or know someone who does you would be doing yourself or them a huge favor by visiting this site or making sure they do.
June 6, 2005 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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