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June 28, 2005
Real Wasabi™
Last evening around 10 p.m., after I'd returned from running (4 miles in 38:33; that's 9:38/mile, on a very hilly course — slowly but surely I'm getting back in shape), an email came in from Doug of Real Wasabi™.
- Here it is:
Did you know that this quote is actually not true? (BookofJoe - May 05, 2005)
Real Wasabi, LLC produces a fabulous reconstitutible (is that a word?) authentic powder.
More info available at www.realwasabi.com
Send me an address and I’ll send you some.
First things first: is "reconstitutible" a word?
I had a look at dictionary.com and came up empty.
So I googled the word and got 28 results.
Then I tried google's suggested alternate spelling ("reconstitutable") and that returned 533 results.
So I'm going to conclude that "reconstitutible" is indeed a word but that the preferred spelling is with an "a."
Interesting way of deciding whether something is a word, wouldn't you say, much less the correct spelling?
But that's enough with the word fun: let's cut to the wasabi chase, shall we?
I went back to the May 5 post he was referring to and reread it.
I believe the quote Doug objects to is this, from Pacific Farms, which grows and sells fresh wasabi root: "Did you know that wasabi powder is imitation?"
Doug and Real Wasabi™, unlike Pacific Farms, believe that wasabi root — the real thing, wasabi japonica — dehydrated and packaged and reconstituted, is not "imitation."
I agree — but I also believe it is not the same as the fresh root (below).
I emailed Doug back that it seemed to me that, for example, dehydrated morels, while delicious after being soaked in water and rehydrated, would not be considered by most people to be the same as a basketful just picked in the forest.
So with wasabi, in my opinion.
But I invite my readers to weigh in with their thoughts on this question.
And perhaps even order from Real Wasabi™ and try some.
A 1/2 oz. jar (above), containing no substitutes, fillers, chemicals or additives — nothing but 100% natural dried, genuine wasabi japonica — costs $4.95 here.
What a superb logo (top) they've created: whoever is responsible gets a bookofjoe Design Award.
I sure hope this isn't the beginning of Wasabi Wars.
That would be a heck of a thing to have been responsible for.
I pride myself on keeping bookofjoe a no–combat zone of sorts.
As someone said to me the other day, when I disagreed with something, "Don't be a hater."
Even if it was a non sequitur I still liked it.
June 28, 2005 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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