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July 21, 2005

Dr. Jeannine Mosely and her Menger sponge


From the June 21 New York Times:

Dr. Jeannine Mosely (above) was joking when she first suggested using business cards to build a Menger sponge.

The structure, famous among mathematicians, is a three-dimensional fractal.

That means, according to Dr. Mosely, who received her doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, that "if you zoom in on a section of a fractal, the close-up view looks just like the bigger view."

Fractals are infinite, in theory, so there is no end to zooming in.

Dr. Mosely's sponge (above) is not.

It has big holes, medium holes and small holes, making it a Level 3 sponge.

It is built of 66,048 cards, and she and countless helpers started work on it in 1996.

bookofjoe note: The sponge was exhibited at the annual Origami U.S.A. convention at the Fashion Institute of Technology the last weekend of last month.

July 21, 2005 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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If this is the email for Jeannine Mosley I would like to get in contact with you. Your work has given me so much passion. I work for Hasbro games and toys in Massachusetts and would like to hire you to design one of my packages. Also could I purchase one of your pieces? My phone # 413.526.2481 413.221.0533. Thank You very much!!

Posted by: richard edwards | Nov 15, 2007 12:18:30 PM

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