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July 15, 2005

Hat Light


Its full name is the G2™ LED Hat but I think mine will help them sell a whole lot more.

"Perfect for the outdoor sportsman."

Seems somewhat redundant, what?

I mean, aren't all sportsman the outdoor type?

Don't go there.


"Think of all the times you needed a light — and both hands."

Again — no.

"With the revolutionary G2™ LED Hat from Head–Light, you'll see better with ultra–bright white LED lighting."

"Turns on/off with the push of a fingertip and can be seen up to a mile away!"


Tell you what: if some crazy person with a rifle happens to sight in on your light you'll wish you'd decided to walk home in the dark.

"Premium cotton twill cap is a low–profile, 6–panel hat that's stylish and comfortable."

Perfect with your new Dior boots.

In black or khaki.


$21.98 here.

July 15, 2005 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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Bed Time Reading Light — Is this 'the one?'

might bring a little sportsman into the bedroom this way!!!!

gheesh - don't delete me so quickly joe - just trying to bring a little laughter into my day

Posted by: BO | Jul 15, 2005 3:45:14 PM

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