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August 3, 2005
Self–Service Dog Drinking Fountain
It's hot outside, have you noticed?
Your dog has.
Get fido one of these and never again will your parched pooch have to lie there semi–comatose until you remember to offer a bowl of water to the poor thing.
Connects without tools to any outdoor faucet.
From the website:
- Clean, fresh water on demand
As your pooch approaches our innovative Dog Fountain a motion sensor triggers water flow, providing an endless supply of fresh, clean water.
Turns off when the dog walks away.
Requires 4 C batteries.
$89 here. (Batteries not included.)
And no — you don't have to be a dog to use it.
As if.
August 3, 2005 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
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i have a larga dog breed establisment
Posted by: Fattoria Tabarrino | Oct 18, 2006 8:34:57 AM
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