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September 24, 2005
FlameOut® — World's first fire extinguisher foam in an aerosol can
Target began carrying the one–liter spray cans of aerosol foam on Labor Day weekend and FlameOut®'s scheduled to be in every one of the 5,100 CVS stores in the U.S. by the end of this month.
The company points out that less than 10% of American homes have a fire extinguisher (mine does) and that half of them wouldn't perform because they've expired.
I just went to check my two and indeed they're years past their expiration dates.
Maybe I should keep reading – and writing.
A can of FlameOut® is good for three years.
According to manufacturer Summit Environmental of Longview, Texas, the product addresses all three aspects of the "fire triangle":
1) It clings to oxygen, removing the oxygen molecules where contact is made with and around the fire.
2) It's an encapsulator and emulsifier (UL Listing 162), thereby changing the molecular structure of the hydrocarbons encapsulated and making the substances unable to be reignited.
3) It cools surfaces so quickly that one can touch the surface of a burning tire immediately after a fire is extinguished.
FlameOut® costs $19.95 a can but my revamped, supposedly new and improved crack research team simply could not locate it online at either the Target or CVS websites nor were they able to find it anywhere else on the web.
You'll just have to make the trip to Target or CVS.
Don't worry: I've already given these losers their 72–hour–notices: there'll be a whole new crew in place by Monday morning.
September 24, 2005 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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I agree about the sand, the salt & baking soda, the pot lids, and how many fire extinguishers a person buys is entirely up to them.
AND. Lots and lots of fires get started in homes because people don't use common sense. (Most of the people reading and commenting here, except possibly myself, seem brighter than average, and are probably eaten up with common sense, and know how to stay out of trouble, but a few who light here don't, and if it helps, good.)
Small kitchen fires can turn into great big out of control kitchen fires in a matter of seconds. I know this for a fact. When it comes to fire, I would rather be overprepared to the point of ridiculousness than suffer burns of any degree to my person, my loved ones, or my property. Of course, not everyone has to do this, and you are certainly not a fool if you don't. Take it from one who has seen what fire can do.
Posted by: Flutist | Sep 25, 2005 1:48:28 AM
"Don't worry: I've already given these losers their 72–hour–notices: there'll be a whole new crew in place by Monday morning."
Dr. Stirt!!! You are sounding like an old curmudgeon. Seems like every week you are replacing your current crack research team. Makes one wonder what really goes on there at bookofjoe headquarters.
Posted by: research team no more | Sep 24, 2005 2:20:10 PM
Okay, listen up. All of ya'll.
You 90% who do not have fire extinguishers in your homes, and those who have checked and found out they have expired ones, you drop everything and go out right now and get you some of those things.
Don't get just one. Get one for every room you use. And for those rooms you have fireplaces in or you regularly burn candles and the like in, you get the great big serious kind. And for your workshops and kitchens, get those kind that put out all kinds of fires.
Don't forget your attics and basements that maybe you don't go in that often.
Keep these things in plain sight. Don't stick them in a closet or in any way make them hard to use or get to. Stick each one in a visible corner, big and shiny and red and sitting there like a spider.
All you candle burners out there (I'm one, have been one for thirty years, make them, too) -- ALWAYS BURN YOUR CANDLES IN A FIREPROOF DISH THAT CAN CATCH ANY MOLTEN WAX. And set that dish on something flat and fireproof, too. Don't burn candles near curtains, ever, and don't burn them in drafts. And don't go off and leave them burning with no one around, ever, ever, ever.
End of sermon. Except one more thing:
Never ignore strange noises or smells. It's probably nothing, but maybe not. I KNOW.
Posted by: Flutist | Sep 24, 2005 12:55:52 PM
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