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October 26, 2005
Basketball TV
Got game?
You will with this tricked–out basketball.
From the website:
- Officially licensed by the NBA, this basketball–shaped–TV's got game.
Its skin is genuine basketball leather hand–fitted around the 17" diameter so it looks, feels and smells like a basketball.
Arranged like players on the court, nine power buttons are ready for action.
15" LCD TV with 1024 x 768 resolution; 500:1 contrast ratio.
Wall–mountable or use the swiveling, articulated 21"–high table arm–mount.
Arrives complete with remote, table arm–mount, and cables.
The name of every championship team in NBA history is embossed on the back (below).
As George Tenet might say, "It's a slam–dunk."
$649 here.
October 26, 2005 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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