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October 17, 2005
BehindTheMedspeak: Consumer Reports rates health information websites
Elizabeth Agnvall wrote an absolutely superb article about the nation's top tester of things consumer–related and its entrance into the health care arena for the June 21 Washington Post.
I was very surprised — and delighted — when last evening I found the article link is still good after nearly four months.
In her story Agnvall reported that Consumer Reports WebWatch has begun
The WebWatch ratings give each site the familiar Consumer Reports circle–style symbol (top) for excellent, very good, good, fair or poor.
Here's a link to a sidebar to her story, which listed each of the 20 sites rated along with a direct link to each.
Long story short — six sites were rated excellent:
• WebMD
• National Institutes of Health
• Medscape (sponsored by WebMD)
October 17, 2005 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
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Dr. Joe,
all these sites are nice and informative if you have pains, pill questions, and want lectures on stopping smoking...however, when I have some basic questions, such as when they (the knife men) remove organs such as the spleen or the gall bladder, what the hell takes over their function in the body? And if so, are they not anachronistic as the appendix? These sites have answers not!!
I'm too old to enroll in med school for enlightment.
P.S. love your blog, it is my bookmarked opening site on my pc.
Posted by: mj suspanic | Oct 18, 2005 7:09:32 PM
Looks like you have your next crack research team!!!
Posted by: what | Oct 18, 2005 11:56:21 AM
Truly an animal with two coats!!!
Posted by: ScienceChic | Oct 18, 2005 10:44:02 AM
Handsome. Intelligent. And a good eye for a good story.
Consider yourself blogrolled, Joe. ;)
Posted by: Victoria | Oct 18, 2005 2:00:03 AM
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