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October 17, 2005

Hands–Free Snowball Maker


Well, OK, I fudged a bit.

You still have to use your hands — they just don't touch the snow.

Nor need your mittens or gloves either if you've got one of these handy Sno–ballers.

From the website:

    Keep gloves dry and hands warm, while turning out huge numbers of snowballs with the Sno–baller™.

    It will make up to 60 snowballs per minute and produces geometrically perfect snowballs that burst on contact.

They'll probably fly better too due to their superior aerodynamic profile.

But I must say that I don't think many people could keep up a pace of one per second, as the ad copy notes, for very long.

At long last the melon baller exits the kitchen space.

$19.95 for two (because what's the point of snowballs without a snowball fight?) here.

October 17, 2005 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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Hoezo lui? Ik heb gewoon geen zin om zelf sneeuwballen te maken. Ik doe het wel met deze hands-free sneeuwballenmaker de Sno-Baller. Ik heb er twee voor 20 dollar gekocht, zo blijven mijn vingers tenminste warm! Bron: bookofjoe... [Read More]

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