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October 8, 2005

Analog Awakening Water Clock


Major feng shui upgrade and possible Satori should you decide to go this route.

From the website:

    An alarm clock that combines the precision and immediacy of a digital clockwork with the pleasing richness of an analog ringing tone.

    An especially manufactured drinking glass


    is placed on the coaster-like clock, where it rests on three tiny spikes, allowing it to vibrate discreetly when hit gently by a hammer through a hole in the top of the clock.

    The pitch of the alarm tone is altered by the amount of water in the glass — the more water, the lower the tone.


    The alarm is activated by placing the glass on the clock and turned off by lifting it up.

    A comparatively slow rhythm of approximately one beat per second and the inimitable and varying tone of glass followed by a sip of water provide a calm and relaxed start into the day.

You know you want one.

Heck, I do too.


That's why it's so frustrating to finally learn, after my crack research team spent hours on the site, that the item just went up this past Wednesday and isn't yet for sale.

[via AW]

October 8, 2005 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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