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October 17, 2005

Jafari the giraffe is dead


On Saturday, October 8 I reported on the unprecedented surgery carried out on Jafari (above, left), an African giraffe who would have been 3 years old this December, by a team at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. to remove a grapefruit–sized tumor from his head.

The giraffe took a turn for the worse yesterday, 11 days following his surgery, and was put to death by zoo veterinarians.

The zoo grounds were closed two hours early yesterday so Jafari could be given a lethal injection in the outdoor yard at the Elephant House.

Jafari had made the Elephant House, where visitors could note his 13–foot height, his home.

He had been out and about as recently as Saturday, said zoo spokesman John Gibbons, but then his condition worsened.

He appeared disoriented yesterday and began walking in circles.

Jafari was born at the Bronx Zoo in New York.

Jafari's death leaves the zoo with one giraffe, a 3–year–old male named Randall (pictured on the right above).

October 17, 2005 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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