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November 29, 2005

Hands–Free Hair Dryer Holder


What took them so long?

From the website:

    Our Hair Dryer Holder is Perfect for Styling with Both Hands

    Ensure a perfect hair day everyday with the Hair Dryer Holder!

    Featuring a flexible stand for hands–free styling and suitable for use with all blow dryers, you can use both hands to style your hair and achieve a professional look in your own home.

It's said to be especially helpful for those with long hair.

The website goes on to note that it will quickly dry your nails and come in handy for grooming your pets.

19" high.

$39.95 here. (Hair dryer not included.)

November 29, 2005 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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Kun je wel een hulpje gebruiken bij het stylen van je haar? In je ene hand een kam, in de andere de mouse en in je derde hand de fohn! De fohnhouder van 40 dollar is de ideale derde hand,... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 30, 2005 11:32:43 AM

» Handje helpen from Gadget Garden
Kun je wel een hulpje gebruiken bij het stylen van je haar? In je ene hand een kam, in de andere de mousse en in je derde hand de fohn! De fohnhouder van 40 dollar is de ideale derde hand,... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 30, 2005 11:37:04 AM


Hmm. "A professional look." And in my own home! This has caused me to ponder what that might be for me...I can't possibly imagine. I guess I'll stick with the amateurish look. And anyhow, don't most people move the hair dryer around their head with one hand and kind of fluff up their hair with the other? You'd have to jump and spin around (and pick a bale of cotton, ha ha) to get all the parts of your hair dried and then you'd have whirling vertigo, leading to falling down and puking and thus being late for work at which you planned to show off your professional look.

And no normal dogs or cats are going to sit still for their professional look, either.

Posted by: Flutist | Nov 29, 2005 12:40:09 PM

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