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November 12, 2005

Men's Belly Button Brush — 'Developed by NASA'


That's precisely what it says on the website.

More product commentary:

    If the thought of sticking your finger into your belly button to fish out jumper fluff leaves you feeling a little queasy, help is at hand in the shape of the stunning belly button brush.

    Intensively designed and developed by NASA (honest!) costing the tax paying citizens of America billions of dollars, the hi-tech design has left many people speechless.

    If you're anything like me you'll be thinking "how did mankind survive so long without this essential grooming tool?" and "why on God's sweet earth have we had to wait so long for this wondrous brush?"

    Of course, if you are thinking along those lines you probably need more medication than I'm currently taking and belly button fluff is probably the last thing on your troubled mind.

    The Belly Button Brush is 9cm (3.5") long and comes in a cool box which says "FOR THE PERSON WHO HAS EVERYTHING" on it.

    The Belly Button Brush box is approximately 9cm wide, 9cm long and 5cm tall (3.5"W x 3.5"L x 2"H).

£9.90 ($18.77) here.

Though no comparable accessory designated specifically for the far more tender, delicate navels of women could be found by my crack research team anywhere on the extensive website where this product is featured, nonetheless I feel comfortable stating, with a reasonable degree of medical certainty (that's the legal standard and I see no reason not to require the equivalent here), that this elegant tool will work just fine for the girl who wishes to leave nothing concerning the presentation of [her] self in everyday life to chance.

[via AW]

November 12, 2005 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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