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November 17, 2005

Mini Clock


These little devices, called "Time Tags," measure 1" x 1/2".

The idea is you clip one onto your blouse, cuff, or bag so you don't have to wear a watch to know what time it is.

I guess it's the same kind of thing as not having to be a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

Or is that not quite the right analogy?

No matter — the reason I'm buying them has nothing to do with telling the time.

Because I'm going to use double–sided tape to affix one to the center of my forehead, between my mask and my OR hat, during some long, boring surgical procedure.


And when the surgeon happens to glance up it'll be kind of a different way of suggesting he get on with it so we can all go home.



$18 for two here.

November 17, 2005 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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