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January 22, 2006
Laptop Stand for Treadmill Desk Version 2.0
Ben Willmore, founder and CEO of whereisben, emailed me a link to a superb review by Charles Moore of a wide variety of laptop stands for the road warrior.
Ben's email was in response to my question of last Tuesday about why it's impossible — for the time being at least, though I suspect not forever — to separate a laptop computer's screen from its base and position each part to your greatest advantage.
Moore writes "The Road Warrior" column for macopinion.com.
Talk about authoritative — I was completely engrossed.
Fyi, I'm getting the one he saved for his review's grand finale — the NoteRiser (top) from Contour Design in Germany.
I'd never heard of it until I read the review.
Ain't it great to have readers who are tuned in to turn me on?
$99.95 here.
[via whereisben and Charles Moore]
January 22, 2006 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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Do a search for a product called TheNetRunner on Google, it is a different brand, but a better product, I have been using their version for about 6 months now.
Posted by: Tuke | Oct 28, 2007 5:32:47 AM
Does this stand work with any treadmill????? If so, where do I purchase one?
Posted by: Rachel | Sep 10, 2006 8:19:09 PM
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