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January 29, 2006

Magnetic Baskets


I don't buy everything I write about here — what, you think I'm crazy?

But I did buy these nifty boxes the instant I espied them.

My fridge and its environs are a very busy place.

These baskets will enable even more functionality in the kitchen space.

And that, in the end, is what it's all about.

No — it isn't the Hokey–Pokey.

From the website:

    Magnetic Baskets get a hold of all the important little things.

    Coupons, scissors, pens, shopping list, stamps, appointment cards and more now have a place to call home.

    Mesh metal baskets with powerful magnets can be used in kitchen or office.

    Set of four [top] range in size from 3-3/8"W x 2-1/4"H to 6-1/4"W x 3-5/8"H.


$12.98 here.

January 29, 2006 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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