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January 29, 2006
Swarovski Crystal Museum
Got Bling?
Swarovski does — I mean, Lindsay Lohan's cellphone (above) is paved with their product so it must be phat.
The crystal purveyor has opened a museum in Vienna to display all manner of crystal–related things, among them:
• The world's largest kaleidoscope
• A huge crystal wall 36 feet high and 138 feet long, paved with over 12 tons of crystals
• A crystal–eyed giant with a waterfall spilling out of his mouth
• Works by Salvador Dali, Keith Haring and a mult–media installation by Brian Eno
Full address of the museum: Hofburg-Kaiserappartements-Sisi Museum-Silberkammer, Kaisertor/Innerer Burghof, Hofburg, A-1010 Wien, Austria; Tel.: +43-1-533-75-70; Fax: +43-1-533-75-70-33; e-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.hofburg-wien.at.
January 29, 2006 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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