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February 17, 2006
Fun With Concrete — Episode 2: Foot Powered Rolling Mixer
Videre est credere.*
You may recall that yesterday's Episode 1 featured a hand–held concrete mixer.
In the interest of symmetry (vertical) let me, without further ado or delay, offer a hands–free alternative.
From the website:
- ODJOB's™ patented internal baffles will mix one bag of perfect concrete or mortar in 30 seconds.
Simple and easy to use.
Just fill the drum with the required mixture, roll back and forth for the amount of time specified and pour.
In addition to mixing concrete, will mix grout, fertilizer, compost, chemicals, etc.
Capacity: one 60 lb. bag of mix.
Lid is calibrated for measuring water.
Measures 18" H x 12" Dia.
Recommended by QUIKRETE®.
Manufactured from recycled lightweight, durable plastic.
Made in Canada.
$37.50 (Concrete not included).
*Seeing is believing
February 17, 2006 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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It's a bit late to tell me now! I mixed enough concrete to bed and haunch 5 metres of gulley drain and enough cement to bed 3 meters of slate window sill today - all with a shovel on a bit of old hardboard on what's left of the lawn.
Posted by: Skipweasel | Feb 18, 2006 4:48:11 PM
I think that mixing concrete with your foot (or leg) would be harder than that door exerciser contraption thing... And reminds me of the movie IRMO.
Posted by: Three Layer Cake | Feb 18, 2006 5:41:48 AM
Looks like the same premise as the ice cream ball we use when camping on the Pearl River: http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=1&categoryId=41066&storeId=1
The ice cream is the perfect way to wash down roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. (Hey, just doing my part to keep Mississippi at the top of a damn list somewhere...even if it is the ranks of obesity!) ;)
Posted by: Shawn Lea | Feb 17, 2006 4:30:41 PM
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