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February 17, 2006

Official Bette Davis Cable Management Device


"What a dump."

That's precisely what Bette Davis would say were she to materialize this very second next to you in your horrible cubicle.

Here's something that can make a small first step, however minuscule it might appear in the overall picture of disarray, dismay and decay, toward bringing a semblance of order to your office space.

    Cable Caddy


    Say goodbye to desk clutter and loose wires, adios to crawling on the floor to retrieve cables and sayonara to disorganization stress.

    Say helloooo, Cable Caddy!

    Organize and secure up to five laptop, PDA, MP3, cell phone, digital camera, and other device cables to your desktop quickly.

    Includes double-face tape.

    PVC plastic.

    5½" x 1½" x 2".

In Rei Kawakubo Gotham black (below)


or clear (top and below).


$7.98 (cords, cables and wires not included).

As I study this device it occurs to me that it might well have been invented by a stylish girl idly sitting and waiting for her toenails to dry, her toes separated by a similarly conceptualized tool.

Clever girl.

Not the first time you've been called that, is it?

February 17, 2006 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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