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March 11, 2006
This new website gives you the capability of putting your comments onto any web page, in effect letting you "blog everywhere."
Get it?
I signed up, all excited and whatnot, and was all set to enter the new era of blogging when up popped this page upon attempting to download the application.
Mac people can kiss their blogeverywhere dreams goodbye.
Oh, well, maybe next year.
The rest of you might find it worth exploring.
Don't bet too heavily against this application, however: Sabeer Bhatia, the guy behind it, among other things co–invented Hotmail, which you may recall he sold to Microsoft for $400 million in 1997 when he was still in his twenties.
Tell you what: the features list is pretty awesome, starting with being able to somehow "write your thoughts and opinions directly on the web page you are browsing without leaving it."
March 11, 2006 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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i am curious about this software but don't want to add it to my computer. so...in effect this software enables the user to write graffiti / deface websites? if so, what a mess the net will be.
Posted by: rob | Mar 11, 2006 10:37:28 AM
It looks very similar to Shadows to me, of which you said: "Just another set of blocks for bored young guys who don't know what to do with themselves or their Bubble 1.0 internet cashouts." I realize it's different than the day before and all - but it still looks like the same concept. So what's so different?
The fundamental flaw I see with both of these applications is that I barely have enough time to read blogs - when would I have enough time to go back and see what everyone is saying about the blogs that I don't have enough time to read?
I distinctly remember a moment in a class one day when a teacher said, "If you were born before x date, it was possible to read everything in print in your lifetime. If you were born after x date, it was no longer possible. I wonder how the Web has affected that date. (Yes, kids, I was in college before the take-off of the World Wide Web - which is probably a good thing. I would have been dangerous with a valid excuse to spend all day on the computer.)
Posted by: Shawn Lea | Mar 11, 2006 10:23:02 AM
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