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March 7, 2006
iBelieve — Replacement cap and lanyard for iPod shuffle
From the website:
- Inspired by the world's obsession and devotion to the iPod, iBelieve is a replacement lanyard for your iPod shuffle.
It is a social commentary on the fastest growing religion in the world.
The iBelieve is constructed using the same materials and precision ball bearing snap fit as your existing iPod shuffle cap so you can relax knowing your precious soundtrack is safe.
Just toss your old cap habit, pop on the divine iBelieve and rejoice!
Tell you what: it wasn't just me who was smitten with the iBelieve: it's on the cover of the current (March/April) issue of I.D. magazine (top).
That's some big–time placement for the creation of Scott Wilson who, in his day job, is creative director for Nike's Sports Technology Group.
"Audio salvation for only $12.95" (shuffle not included).
March 7, 2006 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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that's a great post Joe - and props to whoever thought of it; I'm no Christian, but it sure looks neat....
Posted by: Russ | Mar 9, 2006 1:08:53 AM
What would Jobs do?
Posted by: Mark | Mar 8, 2006 8:31:36 AM
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