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March 7, 2006

Mermaid Books — 'I operate one of the only websites in the world dedicated to the preservation of common books'


So wrote Sean Kurilko of Fort Bragg, California last week in his email about this and that, joehead stuff like Verlyn Klinkenborg, etc.

I had the crack research team investigate and it would appear Sean is right on the money with his description of his company.

In his email, focusing on Verlyn's dismay at the deterioration of his "... yellowing and decaying paperback book collection," Sean noted, "I am beginning to carry supplies that would make it easy for Klinkenborg to preserve his invaluable (to him) collection fairly simply, with some special glue, a nice vinyl cover, and a little TLC."





March 7, 2006 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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