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March 11, 2006

Spring has arrived at bookofjoe's place


I always consider the first daffodil to be the sign that spring has sprung here in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.


Thus, I was delighted to look over my left shoulder from atop my treadmill this morning (just moments ago, in fact) and see that where yesterday there were only green shoots, today not one, not two but three daffodils are making their entrance into the great world.


That apparition stopped me in my tracks — or the treadmill equivalent, which I suppose is getting off the treadmill track — and caused me to get my battered–but–still–functional camera and go out to snap a few "proof–of–life" pix (above and below, as I retreated from the power flower).


March 11, 2006 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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Daffodils and tulips were just about the only things my mother could ever successfully grow. The woman has two brown thumbs. But nothing compares to those first blooms. They are so beautiful and encouraging :)

Posted by: d | Mar 11, 2006 7:17:43 PM

Boy, is it ever spring. With a vengeance, down here in Atlanta. All these trees are in bloom and things are sprouting up and I'm here in my sickbed with my fever and my cat (the significant other won't come near me - he says it's just too awful; so supportive) and surrounded by books and stinky sheets and orange juice cartons, with the window open, desperately seeking some sleep. But no. Last night a flock of some kind of blackbirds descended on my backyard trees and chittered and twitted and screeched at such a volume that it set the local dogs to barking vigorously, which piqued the local stray cats to start their fertility rites a bit early, with extra leather-lunged participants, and right under my window. Not to mention that a fine spring wind blew up and set my normally delightful, barely tinkling wind chimes to whip up to a presto furioso played relentlessly fortissimo.

Ah yes, spring is sho' nuff here. The bird thing reminds me -- next time you're discussing favorite movie soundtracks with friends (I mean, doesn't everybody, all the time?) be sure to announce that your very favorite is Hitchcock's soundtrack for "The Birds," ha ha.

Posted by: Flutist | Mar 11, 2006 3:52:18 PM

Lovely detail.

Yesterday, in suburban Washington D.C., I heard spring peepers, ever so faintly.

Spring, indeed.

Posted by: Mb | Mar 11, 2006 2:24:23 PM

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