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June 22, 2006



Invented by Dallas mother Kathy Wachtel.

They're "compressed cellulose sponges that slide onto the stick of a frozen treat, possibly preventing a sticky mess in kids' hands,"


wrote Leigh Lambert in yesterday's Washington Post Food section.

"They can be printed with team or company logos."

Maybe other logos too.


From websites:

    Drip Catcher

    Love frozen pops, but not the sticky mess?

    Unlike easy-to-spill plastic drip catchers, this clever invention actually absorbs melted juices.

    It's made of compressed sponge that locks liquid in, so hands and clothes stay clean.


    DripCatchers have been lab tested by the largest frozen novelty manufacturers.

    During the tests, a single DripCatcher absorbed an entire frozen treat.

    • Simply slide onto a popsicle stick, use and dispose

    • Expands to hold an entire pop

    • Printed with non-toxic ink

    • 2.25" diameter


Six with either yellow butterflies or blue soccer balls (below)


for $1.99 or 24 (design may vary) for $6.95.

June 22, 2006 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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Biodegradeable? I'd be more impressed if it were edible :P

Doesn't that kind of take away the childhood joy of having popsicle juice smeared all over oneself though?

Posted by: IB | Jun 23, 2006 6:51:13 AM

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