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June 26, 2006
The Near Thing — by J. B. Boothroyd
We only met for a moment
Beside a lichened wall
In fact, to be perfectly truthful
We didn't meet at all.
The road was a 'B' and narrow
The bend was an 'S' and smart;
I was passing a grocer's van
You a pony and cart.
I may have touched the grocer
It's hard to be sure, of course
At an aggregate speed of a hundred
We certainly scared the horse.
We almost met for a moment
Instead we just passed by
In short we missed each other
Though God alone knows why.
I got half a thumb to the hooter
Did you get a toe to the brake
I reckon a mile between us
Before we began to shake.
Did the landscape go pink at the edges
For you as it did for me?
Did you drop to a thoughtful thirty
For a mile, or two, or three.
We only met for a moment
[As I think I must have said]
But another moment either way
And we'd both of us be dead.
And the most alarming aspect
Of having so nearly met
Is that by this time tomorrow
We'll both of us forget.
June 26, 2006 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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Any annotation on the honeycomb-fractal image you choose as companion?
Posted by: Mb | Jun 26, 2006 11:20:45 AM
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