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August 17, 2006
Going Postal — Episode 2: Hygiene revisited
Tuesday afternoon Chuck Bernardes commented on Episode 1's suggestion to "use the nine-character Zip Code when possible," as follows:
"How do you figure out the 9-character Zip Code? 5-character Zip Code is as far as I get."
Excellent question.
So good, in fact, that rather than just email the answer back to Chuck and post it as an addendum to the Monday post, I've decided to feature it here.
As I wrote Chuck, "The USPS website offers a 9-character Zip Code finder right here."
You'll want to memorize mine (below)
so as to ensure that your checks arrive in a timely fashion.
As if.
August 17, 2006 at 02:31 PM | Permalink
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As an aside, I have always been astounded that we still need zip codes when our supposedly unique, social security numbers (SSN) are 9-digits long. Unless we move and fail to notify the USPS, why not just use SSN addresses?
Which gets to another pressing point: SSNs are currently at such presumed risk of being compromised that every legitimate recipient should have an authenticating password to match with it. Just a thought from a former fraud examiner, Joe.
Posted by: Lisa Davenport | Aug 18, 2006 10:58:45 AM
Wow! As I check for my daily fix of "Book Of Joe", I see my name on your blog. I feel honored today!
Joe, do I get any residual checks? If so, please send to my new zip code. It is 62704-2424
Posted by: Chuck Bernardes | Aug 17, 2006 3:40:43 PM
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