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September 7, 2006
Cutting Board Scale — Simply Sensational
Designed by Jim TerMeer.
From the website:
Cutting Scale
Here is a concept for a cutting board that has an integrated scale within a defined area on its surface.
Ingredients can be cut and measured on the same surface with very little extra effort.
There has been a tranformative trend in cooking based around the science of food.
Central to this is the idea that precise measument leads to more possibilities for new flavors.
Recipes will become more demanding, requiring simple ways to be precise in the kitchen.
Measures 10" x 15".
Not yet in production; I'll keep you posted.
[via Brian Nelson]
September 7, 2006 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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I'm no scientist, I'll admit, but why does it have to be a scale? Why couldn't you have circles on a cutting board that would mark the volume that would fill 1 cup of diced onions, and a 1/2 cup and a 1/4 cup etc. etc.? You filled the circle of the measurement you needed - no precise weighing required.
OK, OK, I've never been much of a precision cook...maybe that's my problem.
Posted by: Shawn Lea | Sep 7, 2006 6:09:54 PM
Wow - please do keep us up to speed on that one, Joe. It looks great.
Posted by: Ricky | Sep 7, 2006 12:34:10 PM
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