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October 12, 2006

Brazil Nut Jewelry


From the mouths of babes — or, in this case, Rhonda, a card-carrying* joehead — comes the following comment, just in today at 12:31:02 p.m. ET, regarding the heart-shaped sugars featured in today's 11:01 a.m. post:

    These are too pretty to be in coffee or tea.

    I would think we could do something with them?

    Like pour something hard on them and make them into earrings or a nice huge bracelet of sorts??

    Maybe one hanging off a nicely-cut piece of black/chocolate-colored ribbon or cord for a one-of-a-kind necklace?

    Oh well, just a thought.

    Did you know they make jewelry out of nuts?

    Not just any old nuts either.

    Some of these nuts come all the way over from other countries even.

    We pay big bucks for them too?

    Yes, that is me, I would find the nut jewelry, almost like winning the Cracker Jack prize.



I hadn't planned on remarking on Frank Gehry's horrible new line of jewelry for Tiffany & Co., each piece uglier than the last, until Rhonda's comment, but the resemblance of some of Gehry's forms (above) to that of a Brazil nut is simply too striking not to note here.

Except that the nut (below)


is beautiful while Gehry's take, even under the rubric of "Fish," is esthetically appalling.

Frank, stick to museums and suchlike.

Scale matters, in your case.

I predict you won't be able to buy a piece of Tiffany Gehry jewelry three years from now except on eBay.

*What's that card look like, anyhow?




October 12, 2006 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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