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November 21, 2006

dangerouslyfun.com — Illustrated How-Tos


Longtime reader William Whitney emailed me last evening and reported that "I'm currently writing for the website www.dangerouslyfun.com and I think we've got some stuff that might be up your alley."

Yet another joehead's career launched into the stratosphere.

But I digress.

William continued, "We've got a few sets of illustrated instructions for things such as a boomerang made of plywood and a simple pair of stilts, along with a blog I update daily that can sometimes through sheer luck find things that are good. Take a moment and check it out, you might find something neat."

William knows how to make a room his own: his comment, "Congrats to the crack research team for endless success," sent them into a frenzy of delight, so much so that I'm still having trouble getting them focused and back to work some 18 hours later.

No matter — that's my problem, not yours.

November 21, 2006 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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