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March 17, 2007

Helpful Hints from joeeze — The Microwave Memory Hole


It's happening with increasing frequency.

I open the microwave door and inside is a cold, dead burrito.

Oh, yeah, I think — forgot about that.

It's only been there since lunchtime or overnight.

The penny dropped not two minutes ago.

As I placed my Patio brand Bean & Cheese burrito (isn't it odd that their Bean & Beef, Beef & Cheese and Chicken & Cheese varieties are simply dreadful? But I digress...) inside for its three minute stint under the beam, instead of tossing the wrapper into the trash as I usually do, I decided to leave it up on the counter, right in front of the microwave.


A mnemonic — why has it taken me decades to see the light?

Better late than never, I guess.

Next trip into the kitchen, guess what?

Burrito par-tay.

No more dead burritos.

My new motto.

March 17, 2007 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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Our microwave beeps every minute after cooking until you open the door.

Posted by: Skipweasel | Mar 18, 2007 5:31:18 PM

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