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March 20, 2007

Water Saddle — WWAS?*


That's different: tell us more.


From the website:

    Pool Water Saddle

    Submerging more of the body under water than an ordinary pool float, this water saddle offers an unbeatable way to beat the heat on a hot summer day.

    Made of closed cell foam that’s virtually unsinkable, it resists mold, mildew, chlorine and harmful UV rays.

    Its unique design allows you to sit upright, floating effortlessly — without treading water.

    The color goes all the way through, too — it won’t chip, crack, or peel off.

    32”W x 15-1/2"D.


Hey, I'm no marketer, just a brain-dead anesthesiologist who's breathed a few too many molecules of unscavenged O.R. gas, but even I can see that the goof in the picture up top — sitting on his Pool Water Saddle trying his best pickup lines on the blond babe below —


doesn't have a chance as long it appears to her (and us) that he's wearing an inflatable diaper.

Trust me when I say that she's not laughing at his jokes.

Blue or Yellow (you will kindly ignore the teasingly unavailable purple iteration shown below).



*What would Archimedes say?

Hint: it's got six letters four of which are vowels.

Yes — I'm aware that Archimedes, speaking Greek as was his wont, would've said "heureka."

Gimme a break.

March 20, 2007 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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