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April 28, 2007

Book Shade


From the website:

    Book Shade

    Book shade eliminates sun glare!

    If you’ve ever tried reading at the beach or lake, by a pool, on a boat or in the backyard on a bright sunny day, you already know how hard it is to combat sun glare.

    Solve the problem instantly with this clever shade that clips onto any book to eliminate glare and reflections on pages, and help reduce eyestrain.

    Lightweight plastic and nylon.

    Folds to store.

    9" x 7".


April 28, 2007 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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Hey Steph.....great idea and great photo!! How have you been? Please tell Ron and Marilyn hello for me. Rod

Posted by: Rod | Feb 13, 2008 10:33:13 AM

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