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April 21, 2007

Ismael Ax in Second Life?


It's impossible to avoid the swirling speculation in the press about the Virginia Tech tragedy last Monday.

Libby Copeland, in today's Washington Post Style section front page story, explored the many theories about the words found on the killer's arm.

BoingBoing's been there too.

What I haven't seen noted anywhere is mention of the fact that "Ismael Ax" — or the variant "Ishmael" — is a prototypical Second Life name.

I visited the virtual world just now and found no one there by that name, which, some five days after the Blacksburg event, doesn't mean there wasn't such an identity that was quickly taken down and referred for further investigation.

Just a thought.

April 21, 2007 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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