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April 27, 2007

Waterproof Karaoke Microphone — Episode 2: Price Break


After Episode 1 appeared on January 10, 2006 the $8 item sold out overnight.

It's still unavailable at the original website.

Meanwhile requests pour in from around the world for a place to buy one.

Your wish is my demand.

Wait a minute... that's not how it goes... is it?

Ah, the heck with it.

And while we're here, what part of my description in the headline up top don't you think is accurate?

Huh, punk?

From the website:

Shower Mic


Everyone sounds like Pavarotti in the shower — that's why the Shower Mic is such a natural.

Not only is it a useful sponge for washing up, but it also has the uncanny ability to unleash your inner Sinatra.

So, don't hold back... stand and deliver!


Durable synthetic sponge material with antimicrobial properties.

Measures 8.25" x 1.25".


Love the Bono-style glasses on the guy up top.


April 27, 2007 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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Clever, but couldn't they've made it a little more rigid? I don't like singing into floppy mikes in the shower...

Posted by: ScienceChic | Apr 27, 2007 5:26:08 PM

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