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May 12, 2007

New Yorker Cornucopia


The new (May 14, 2007) issue of the magazine (above) has as its theme "Innovation."

The contents — all free online as of this writing — include the following articles:

"Banksy Was Here: Graffiti Art's Invisible Man" by Lauren Collins

"Crash Course: The World's Largest Particle Accelerator" by Elizabeth Kolbert

"Struts and Frets: Reinventing the Guitar" by Burkhard Bilger

"Fragmentary Knowledge: The Mystery of the Antikythera Mechanism" by John Seabrook

"Critical Mass: Everyone Listens to Walter Mossberg" by Ken Auletta

"Branson's Luck: A Billionaire and His Biofuels" by Michael Spector

Bonus: A new short story — "Hanwell Senior" — by Zadie Smith.

I don't know exactly when the New Yorker opened itself up and put its entire contents online without charge as the magazine appeared on the newstand but I know it was fairly recently, having tried previously without success to find articles to link to and post here.

Even at the cover price of $4.99 this issue's a bargain.

May 12, 2007 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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