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August 11, 2007
From the website:
Poaching is one of the healthiest ways to prepare eggs, since it doesn’t use butter or oil, but it surely isn’t the easiest — until now.
The PoachPod suspends the egg like a lily in a lily pond.
Simply crack egg into the PoachPod floating in boiling water.
When it's done, pop out a perfectly poached, perfectly shaped egg!
Silicone ensures quick, easy, clean release.
3½" X 2¼".
Two for $9.99.
August 11, 2007 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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I just bought a couple of these and used them today -- they are awesome -- I had the best, perfectly formed poached egg today and the cleanup was a breeze!
Posted by: Anita | Dec 29, 2007 9:01:32 PM
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