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August 6, 2007

Kippy Pot Handle Holder


From websites:

    Kippy Pot Handle Holder

    Nonslip freestanding handles are instantly available.

    Silicone protects from heat up to 550°F.

    Dishwasher safe.

    Made in Italy.



$9 (CAD) apiece.

Prefer yours in Yellow, Blue or Red?


They're two for $13.95 at In Good Taste, a Portland, Oregon store that won't let you buy them on its website (you can try but my crack research team wasted over six hours in their attempt to do so — without success).

You'd do better by calling the store: 503-248-2015.

You can tell them joe sent you but me — I'd pass.

August 6, 2007 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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