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September 16, 2007
If you post it, will they come? Small things; repeat often
There are a couple things you can do to improve your blog or website's visibility.
1) Each time you cite a person's work, send them an email including what you've written about them. I put "Your name in lights" in the subject line, which is pretty hard to resist opening even if it's from a stranger.
I learned this years ago from Eugene Volokh (Go Bruins!) of Volokh Conspiracy fame, who mentioned it in passing in the course of an online Q&A.
Not only is it pleasing to almost anyone who learns you cared enough about what they had to say or did to write about it, but they might even tell their friends to have a look.
Small things, repeated over and over and over again, can make a huge difference over time, kind of like compound interest.
If it's a product I'm featuring, I try to contact the company offering it for the same reasons.
On a number of occasions they've put me in their links or press section, one more helpful small thing.
2) If you have a statistics package available, à la that offered by TypePad or a more in-depth package (I pay $19.95/month to Sitemeter, more than I pay TypePad [$15/month] for hosting my blog), there is a wealth of useful information available beyond the number of visitors and what countries they're from.
By going deep into the list of websites from which people find your site, you can learn of many interesting people, companies and websites all of whom found your site interesting enough to visit.
Of course, some may have stumbled on yours by accident but if there are three or four visits from a site, there's a possibility that there's something there of interest.
I've made a number of friends and discovered things of value and interest this way.
For example, Daylife.com, featured in today's 12:01 p.m. post, only became known to me when I happened on the list up top last evening while perusing my stats.
September 16, 2007 at 02:31 PM | Permalink
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